Cinematography Techniques

Cinematography techniques:

Mis en Scene:   Mis en Scene is french for “placing on stage” is the use of things such as setting, props, actors, costume, frame etc. It is a word for describing how everything is placed on the stage in cinematography or stage shows.

Lighting: Lighting is the produced effect of light. In cinematography you have variations of lighting such as High key or Low key lighting. Different arrangements and uses of lighting can create various moods in the shot.

Symbolism: Symbolism is a technique used frequently in cinematography. They often represent a more important idea or overlying theme. For example, in BB the symbol of the clock is frequently used to represent the bigger picture idea of the inevitability of time. 

Camera shots: There are many different types of camera shots such as: medium shot, long shot, establishing shot, close up shot, low/high angle shots etc. Each shot can create a different mood in the moment. Whether that is happy, sad, intense etc. An important factor of a camera shot is what you can and can’t see in the shot. It shows what the director wants us to see and what they don’t.

Sound: The sound in a shot is everything that we can hear. The sound we hear can range from music, speech, vocals or sound effects. Furthermore, the sound can be a range of volumes: quiet or loud. As well as a range of pitches, high (squeaky) or deep (rumbling). Diegetic sound is produced naturally on screen (WE CAN SEE THE SOURCE). Non diegetic sound is sound that is added in editing afterwards (CAN’T SEE THE SOURCE).

Dialogue: Ultimately, dialogue in cinematography is everything that people say. Whether it is said in the past, present or future. Dialogue is conversation or discussion, has to be said between 2 or more people. Compared to monologue which is just said by a singular person (Mono=One). 

Voice over Narration: Voice over is spoken by a person, normally over the top of something happening in the current moment. Voice over narration, is also spoken by someone who is not seen in the shot. Can often be the thoughts and/or feelings of the character in the shot at the current time. Narration is a monologue unless it is between 2 people.

Music: Music in a film, is normally the score of the film. Wether it is background music, soundtrack, film music

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